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      Parlant des expériences virtuelles Airbnb qu’il a fait en un week-end le journaliste David Pogue nous a fait l’honneur de nous compter au nombre des cours qu’il a sélectionné pour les lecteurs du prestigieux journal new-yorkais :
      gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Le New York Times parle de nous

      I Spent a Weekend Bingeing Airbnb’s Virtual Experiences. Was it Worth It?

      Capture d’écran 2020 05 06 à 18.03.56 - Le New York Times parle de nous

      At one point during “The Art of Mime with a Parisian Master” ($17), I had to work to stay focused on plucking my invisible flower and presenting it to my invisible lover. I’d become distracted by the improbability of the situation: A one-time colleague of Marcel Marceau was critiquing my mime performance from his studio in Paris in real time. (His note was that when I proffered the flower, I tended to stick my butt out.) It was Ivan Bacciocchi, co-director of the International School of Dramatic Corporal Mime in Paris, speaking French and translated by a fellow instructor.

      Pour lire la publication du New York Times